Tuesday 29 May 2012

penat. but its okay :)

ya. harini boleh dikatakan semua kerja dalam rumah ni aku yang buat. don't get me wrong ya. bukan kerja ala-ala perempuan melayu terakhir, tapi persis kerja macam orang jantan. fuh, tercabar doh! serasa-rasanya dah sebaldi peluh keluar harini. yela, tolong nenek punya pasal. Aishah kan satu-satunya cucu yang paling dekat dengan dia. takkan nak suruh cucu dia datang rumah ni semata-mata nak suruh buat kerja rumah? nak tak nak kena buat jugak la :p haha takpa, kita exercises dulu nek xD kasi kuat badan. haha. nenek, we did a good job and the result was very satisfying! :D

Friday 25 May 2012

Simple Advice From Me :)

actually, we can choose to happy or want to suffer. we are given a choice, rather than no choice. cuma kita kena tabah, kita kena kuat untuk keluar daripada kesengsaraan. we have to submit to Allah, we have to bow down to Him with full faith. kerana orang-orang yang mempercayai Allah, pasti tidak akan kecewa. we can be happy if we try to achieve happiness.

Thursday 24 May 2012


finally its over! haha, exam la apa lagi kan. memang la seronok kejap je, sebab lepas ni nak trial pulak.. nak PMR lagi. but its okay! ^_^ let me enjoy my holiday time without interruption for the word "examination". tolong eh, masa cuti is cuti. althought, I have a lot of homework -.- tapi still, tak ada siapa boleh kacau masa cuti aku. ^_^

Thursday 17 May 2012


hehe, ingat areila lagi? my favorite author tu? yes, ni lah dia <3 know or not that her book is the best xD I do not get bored reading it over and over again :D peace xD

Wednesday 16 May 2012


hari exam sangat membosankan sebenarnya. I do not like to keep facing the books. if this continues, my brain may explode! fuhh, takpa takpa.. sikit je lagi nak habis.. lepas tu, Aishah is free! (padahal PMR belum habis lagi tau) agaga~ bila nak habis ni? if I can put PMR and SPM examinations, I'm sure I will be the happiest man of the century. haha, Aishah terimalah hakikat, yang benda tu hanya akan terjadi dalam masa 2 tahun akan datang. (SPM). sebenarnya bukan tak boleh terima hakikat, but only want to release stress. okay. Aishah sudah. kau dah banyak mengarut hari ni. sekarang stop. pergi sambung baca buku. -.- kbye :D


dating dengan adik sepupu sendiri tak salah kan? hehe :p so, this is them. akif and adib. my beloved brother. even non-biological siblings, tapi apa ada hal kan? this does not prevent them from being my favourite brothers :) soeur vous aime tant <3 (kakak sayang korang) 


hehe :D adik sepupu :p kira macam adik la sebab aku pun anak tunggal kan ;) alia sangat comel :p

Saturday 12 May 2012


HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY :D especially to my mother Hanita Hajar :) i really love you umi :) thank you for loving me and raise me with love and affection :) hey, do not forget, all the mothers in the world. you guys are the best! without you, who are we :') thank you very much <3

Friday 11 May 2012


14.5.2012. guess what day is this? this day of examm!! haiyo umiii.. tak ready nak exam lagiii o.0 very afraid I would be able to answer the questions posed. :'( however, i pray for the best :) hope God will help soothe my heart when answering questions :D

I'm happyyyyyy ;D

on 5.5.2012..guess what? i met my favourite author xD it is the most exciting moments :') I got her signature (y) her nama is areila sahimi.. I love to read book written by her :) her books can make me laugh one at a time :p hey hey! forgotten to say that I was able to take a photo with areila too x) jangan jealous :p my friend, nik, like the same author, screaming close my ears when I tell I met with areila. hoho, she is so jealous :p haha sabar je la nik x) dia berasap je bila aku pergi tak ajak dia. hahaha.. However, this is a very sweet memories so far :) peace ;)